Tote Bag Decorating

Attend KCL Pottery and KCL Palestine Society fundraising event to provide humanitarian aid, by doing tote bag decoration.

Please donate using this link, if you haven’t already. You will also be able to find more information regarding the event using the same link. Once you have donated, please complete the signup form below. For any FAQs, please refer to the bottom of this page.


Sign-Up Form

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please purchase your ticket directly via the JustGiving page. Please follow the instructions below to ensure your ticket is valid.


    -> Donate to the page, using your full name (not anonymous) and once your donation has gone through, tick the box alongside “I'm happy to be contacted by <..>". JustGiving can then share your contact details with us and we can verify your ticket purchase.

    -> When JustGiving asks to make a donation toward JustGiving, select a custom amount and change this to £0 - to avoid additional fees.

    -> Please DO NOT select GiftAid, otherwise your ticket will be voided.

    - Once you have made your purchase, you should receive a confirmation email and code. Once you have received this email, please fill out the signup form above, using the same full name and email address used to donate on JustGiving.

  • You can find more information on the JustGiving page. There is a minimum donation of:

    -> KCL Students: £6

    -> External Students: £10

    If you are currently facing financial problems but still would like to partake in this event please contact us via email.

  • All proceeds from the registration fee will be donated towards the emergency Gaza appeal

  • Unfortunately, the registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable as all proceeds will be donated towards the cause.

  • You must be at least 18, at the time of completing the registration form to participate. You must also be a current student.

  • Human Relief Mission will oversee the donations and operate on a 100% Donation Policy, from the proceeds raised. Which means everything that you donate goes to those in need.

  • There are teams on the ground in Gaza and Egypt. All aid is sent in containers through the Rafah Border. Humanitarian aid is allowed into Gaza as per the United Nations Security Council.

  • Due to the severity of the situation, everyone in Gaza is classed as eligible for all donations including Zakat. Our teams on the ground aim to distribute the aid as evenly as possible.

If you have any questions feel free to DM us on @empathosfoundation or email

Your data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR). 


Winter Aid Distribution


Seven Sisters Hike