Seven Sisters Hike

Attention: This event has sold out. Please complete the form below to be added to the waiting list.

Join us in our mission to extend humanitarian aid to support the people of Gaza! Prepare for an empowering day at our fundraising hike, led by students. This event is a collaborative effort between Human Relief Mission and Empathos Charity. Join us on this journey of empathy, where every donation becomes a powerful force against despair. Together, let's be the steadfast pillars of support that uphold and uplift those in their time of need.

Event Details:

  • Date: Sunday, 4th February 2024, from 07:45 to 20:30

  • Location: Seven Sisters, covering approximately 10 miles (Expected duration: 6 hours, including breaks)

  • Transport: A coach will be arranged for pick-up from London Bridge and return drop-off at 20:30 in London

  • Registration Fee: £30 (Covers transportation costs; any surplus will be donated to the Gaza fundraiser)

If you're unable to join the hike but still wish to support the cause, please indicate your interest in the form below. You are also able to meet us at Seven Sisters, in this case, you wouldn't have to pay the registration fee. 

We'll provide personalised fundraising links for all participants. While we encourage aiming for a fundraising target of at least £150, you will be able to still participate should you not meet this target. However, we're encouraging our enthusiastic fundraisers to aim for individual targets that are more ambitious.

As part of our 25 Project, we encourage you to seek 25 individuals willing to donate £25 each, tapping into your contacts!

Your fundraising link will contribute to our Gaza Appeal and Gaza Relief Container, aiding in providing essential supplies such as Hygiene Kits and Food Packages. These will be distributed to the people of Gaza through relief containers dispatched from Egypt, in collaboration with our partner charities working on the ground in Gaza.

Cost breakdown:

  • 150 Hot Meals - £150

  • 1000 Water bottles - £280

  • 15 Hygiene kits - £450

  • 25 Food Packages - £750

This hike is open to all levels, but please ensure you have appropriate training and clothing. The hike is moderate level so it’s the easiest hike but all attendees of all stages are welcome to participate. Our event is apolitical, and we expect all participants to be respectful at all times with our sole mission of providing aid to those in need. We have a zero tolerance policy. The organisation and its representatives hold no liability for any loss, damage, injury, or harm to personal belongings or individuals during the trip. Participants must be 18+ at the time of completing the form to participate. Please note, registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Your safety is our utmost priority. In the event of unsuitable conditions, such as adverse weather, we will promptly reschedule the hike for a more suitable date.

Please fill out the form below and proceed to pay the registration fee when prompted to confirm your registration.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. The person who fundraises the most 

    2. The person who refers the most people to fundraise (the person you refer must put your name in the 'how did you find out about this hike' section

    3. The most creative fundraiser 

  • The registration fee will be used to cover any costs incurred including coach travel from London to Seven Sisters Cliffs. All excess will be donated towards the cause. If you are meeting us at Seven Sisters, you don’t need to pay a registration fee.

  • There's no penalty for not hitting the target. We encourage fundraising efforts, but participation in the hike is not contingent on reaching a specific amount.

  • Safety is our priority. If weather conditions are unsuitable and compromise safety, we'll reschedule the hike to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants.

  • Yes, please fill out the form and specify that you would like to just fundraise and not partake in the walk!

  • Unfortunately, the registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable, as it's primarily utilised to cover transportation costs and excess being donated towards the cause.

  • You must be at least 18, at the time of completing the registration form to participate.

  • As part of our 25 Project, we encourage you to seek 25 individuals willing to donate £25 each, tapping into your contacts!

  • Human Relief Mission will oversee the donations and operate on a 100% Donation Policy, from the proceeds raised. Which means everything that you donate goes to those in need.

  • There are teams on the ground in Gaza and Egypt. All aid is sent in containers through the Rafah Border. Humanitarian aid is allowed into Gaza as per the United Nations Security Council.

  • Due to the severity of the situation, everyone in Gaza is classed as eligible for all donations including Zakat. Our teams on the ground aim to distribute the aid as evenly as possible.

If you have any questions feel free to DM us on @empathosfoundation/@humanreliefmission or email Click here for this events Poster.

Your data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR). 


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