Healthcare Networking Event

The Healthcare Networking Event held on Friday 17th March 2023 brought together professionals from diverse healthcare backgrounds for an enriching and collaborative experience. The event featured a distinguished panel of speakers, each with an impressive portfolio, offering valuable insights into their respective fields.

The panel discussion delved into a wide range of healthcare topics, providing attendees with a unique opportunity to gain knowledge from the healthcare professionals within their respective fields and individual unique endeavours.

Following the engaging panel discussion, the event transitioned into a small group networking session. Attendees had the chance to connect with the panellists, as well as with each other, fostering meaningful conversations and professional relationships. The setting allowed for in-depth discussions, enabling participants to exchange ideas, share expertise, and be inspired by each individual’s unique journey. Participants left the event with a renewed sense of inspiration, armed with new connections and insights that will undoubtedly contribute to their professional growth in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.


Healthcare Pathway Programme