Dr Tesh Amarasinghe

Watch the recordings from Dr Tesh Amarasinghe’s presentation for our Diversity Within General Practice conference held virtually on Saturday 11th November for current medical students.

Dr Tesh graduated from GKT Medical School in 2009. She has spent the last 14 years since graduating exploring different areas of medicine - including time spent working as a private GP at Goldman Sachs on Fleet Street, and many years as a private GP in Canary Wharf. She now works exclusively as an NHS GP on King’s Road in Chelsea. She is a content creator (@doctortesh). She enjoys fitness, reading the news, and exploring her penchant for getting behind closed doors! She will talk about getting into corporate medicine; the pros and cons of private medicine, and building a career as a doctor that you truly want. There will be a Q&A at the end, with no topics off limits. “My aim with this talk is that you will come with many questions, and you will leave with many possibilities.”


Dr Lavan Baskaran


Dr Lewis Potter