Empathos Charity

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Interview Crash Course

The Medicine and Dentistry Interview Preparation Crash Course was an event designed to help participants practice and improve their interview skills in a realistic Mock Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Format. The event, which took place on Saturday 9th December, offered a comprehensive 2-hour program to assist attendees as they navigated the interview season following the submission of their UCAS applications.

Participants had the opportunity to engage in simulated MMI stations or common questions, providing them with a firsthand experience of typical interview scenarios. These simulated exercises were carefully crafted to mirror the actual interview environment, allowing participants to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

One of the highlights of the event was the immediate feedback provided to each participant. Through one-on-one interactions at each station, attendees received constructive pointers on how to enhance their performance. This personalized feedback not only offered insights into individual strengths but also highlighted areas for improvement, giving participants valuable guidance to refine their interview skills. Attendees were encouraged to ask questions and seek clarification, creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

The event also featured an insightful Interview Guidance lecture. Participants had the opportunity to attend a session where they gained valuable insights on how to stand out in interviews. The lecture provided practical advice and tips to help participants make a lasting impression during their interviews.

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